
Buggy Bumpers

I was walking to my car when I saw it.

A bumper sticker on an otherwise very sensible vehicle said: "I [heart] my grand dogs."

At first I thought, "How interesting." Here's a person who is so consumed with the lives of his or her children that she's also adopted their pets as "family." Enough so to tell the world behind her.

But let me flip this and suggest that, just maybe, this person is in fact beaming with pride for the puppies of her dogs. Grand dogs.

Also a really good name for a band.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I wonder if she has continued to take care of the grand-dogs, or if she gave them away. If she gave them away (and isn't it interesting that we assume it's a woman) then she must have kept up with them, or else why would she love them so?