
Maybe models don't eat candy.

Two girls knocked on the door yesterday afternoon.

"The talker" (There's always one girl who does all the talking in these situations. This is why we travel in groups.) began to tell their tale. They're in a Modeling Club at a local high school. And to get the money to go to some modeling thing, they're going door to door. But that's just it. That's all they're doing - asking for a handout. They didn't even have little things to hand out or anything. It was ridiculous. No cookies. No candy bars. No wrapping paper. No overpriced scented candles. They weren't wearing Modeling Club t-shirts (though I imagine they'd be stylish).

I told them I'd have bought something but that I wasn't going to just hand them money. And they looked surprised. "You need a product," I said. "A product?" the talker shot back. "Yeah," I said. I think I gave them some strong business advice. Come to think of it, I should have asked them if they'd wash my car.


Fisch said...

Maybe you should be their advisor next semester. You've watched enough Project Runway to teach girls how to work the runway, right? :)

Rogelio Aranda said...
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